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Item List

Glass & Plastic Storage

This product contains Boric Acid and Iron

Carbon Steel/Chrome-Nickel Plated/Nonstick/Aluminum/Stainless Steel

This product contains Aluminum, Chromium Compounds, Nickel & Nickel Compounds, Iron, Manganese and manganese compounds and Phosphorus.

Enameled cast iron

This product contains Chromium Total, Chromium Compounds, Nickel & Nickel Compounds, Iron, Manganese and manganese compounds, Phosphorus, Copper, and Diboron trioxide.

Non coated Aluminum products

This product contains Aluminum.

Stainless steel kitchen tools

This product contains Stainless Steel (Chromium Total, Chromium Compounds, Nickel & Nickel Compounds, Iron, Manganese and manganese compounds, Phosphorus, and Copper).

Simple layer stainless steel Cookware products (non-coated)

This product contains Stainless Steel (Chromium Total, Chromium Compounds, Nickel & Nickel Compounds, Iron, Manganese and manganese compounds, Phosphorus, and Copper).

Ceramic cookware-coated products

This product contains Stainless Steel (Chromium Total, Chromium Compounds, Nickel & Nickel Compounds, Iron, Manganese and manganese compounds, Phosphorus, and Copper).

Multi-layer stainless steel Cookware products with copper (non-coated)

This product contains Stainless Steel (Chromium Total, Chromium Compounds, Nickel & Nickel Compounds, Iron, Manganese and manganese compounds, Phosphorus, Copper), Copper, and Aluminum.

Multi-layer stainless steel Cookware products (non-coated)

This product contains Stainless Steel (Chromium Total, Chromium Compounds, Nickel & Nickel Compounds, Iron, Manganese and manganese compounds, Phosphorus, and Copper), and Aluminum.

Non-stick Cookware products

This product contains Stainless Steel (Chromium Total, Chromium Compounds, Nickel & Nickel Compounds, Iron, Manganese and manganese compounds, Phosphorus, Copper), Aluminum, and PFAS (PTFE, PFA, FEP, used for the non-stick properties).

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